Boost Loading LED
Drive Safe LED
Take Care LED
Wanted Led Sticker
For Her
By Her
A car brand specifically for the ladies!
Welcome to our online store
We see you and you deserve to be seen. Apparel , stickers and much more made just for you. Making sure us ladies stand out and are seen.
We are a brand aimed at the female car enthusiast to make us feel more at home and confident in a male dominant area. Our goal is to break the stigma of the car scene being for males only , and we will do so by making ourselves seen!
In a world full of Kardashians , be a Letty.
We too can have nice cars without it having to be our boyfriend's or father's car. We as Car Girl Society are here to make you feel your best at all times!
At Car Girl Society, we guarantee that every single purchase you make will be a seamless process from start to finish. Take a look at our site and get in touch with questions or concerns.